REGENERATIVE FOOT & ANKLE CARE Beverly Hills and West Hollywood Triangle


Injury, activities, and age all impact the health and stability of every part of the body. But these factors can be particularly noticeable for the foot and ankle area, the parts of our body that keep us standing. However, our practice believes patients can maintain healthy feet and ankles despite aging or injury through regenerative foot and ankle care at Revive.

What Is Regenerative Foot & Ankle Care?

Regenerative foot and ankle care is a medical treatment designed to reduce the pain, stiffness, and swelling associated with foot or ankle injury or degeneration. This methodology of care can help restore mobility and strength in the area by encouraging your body's own healing responses or by targeting and strengthening key structures for mobility and comfort. At Revive, we provide options that range from non-surgical to comprehensive surgery, matching each patient with their optimal treatment modality.

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Image of legs of a girl holding her left ankle with left hand while jogging

Some of our key options include:

  • Minimally invasive tendon repair
  • Ankle surgery
  • Ankle tendon repair
  • PRP
  • Stem cell therapy
  • Arthroscopy
  • And more
 Image of feet of a girl walking on beach waves
Revive Foot & Ankle favicon
 Image of a girl holding her left ankle with her both hands

Minimally Invasive Tendon Repair 

One of the most effective forms of regenerative foot and ankle care is minimally invasive tendon repair. This procedure involves a tiny camera to locate the damaged tissue, allowing for increased precision. A small incision is made to access the area and reconstruct or replace the affected tendon(s). Tendons hold out bodies together, and by repairing them, patients can see improvements in mobility, joint strength, and comfort.

Ankle Surgery 

In some cases, ankle surgery may be the best choice for a patient, as ankle injuries are highly common, especially among patients with active lifestyles. Surgery can help repair damaged or torn ligaments and tendons, restoring the patient's mobility and allowing them to return to the activities they love. Revive's ankle surgeons have access to advanced techniques and technology that can help patients regain full range of motion in their ankles using the least invasive methods suitable. Surgical techniques like arthroscopy and open reconstruction restore functionality, decrease pain and swelling, and improve overall ankle health and stability.

Ankle Tendon Repair

Ankle tendon repair is another important subset of regenerative foot and ankle care options. This procedure involves stitching torn or damaged tendons together to restore movement, strength, and function to the ankle joint. It can also help reduce pain and swelling associated with an injury or age-related changes. Depending on the severity of the damage, your physician might recommend repairing multiple tendons at once to achieve maximum results. 

PRP Therapy 

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is another non-surgical treatment option for foot and ankle regeneration. Platelets are a type of blood cell that contains growth factors that help to heal injuries, and the concept behind PRP injections is that they use this feature to help promote tissue repair, reduce inflammation, and improve overall function in the area. It is an increasingly popular form of regenerative care that many practices use for various patient concerns.

Stem Cell Therapy 

Stem cell therapy is an innovative form of regenerative foot and ankle care that continues to gain traction. This type of treatment involves the use of a patient's own stem cells to stimulate healing in damaged or injured tissue. Stem cell therapy can help reduce pain, restore mobility, and encourage healthy tissue growth in the area. 


Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure to diagnose and treat joint problems, including the foot and ankle. During the procedure, a camera is inserted into the affected area through small incisions (to promote the barest amount of scarring). This allows your physician to view the issue causing pain or discomfort. Once identified, they can use arthroscopic instruments to repair the affected tissues and enhance the health and stability of the area.

Which Regenerative Foot and Ankle Treatment Is Right for Me?

At Revive, our team is focused on providing each patient with a personalized, boutique experience that improves health and their overall sense of well-being. During your consultation with our regenerative foot and ankle care specialist, he can help you determine which type of regenerative foot and ankle care is right for your needs. Through physical exams, imaging tests, a relaxed discussion, and other assessments, we can accurately diagnose the issue and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you find relief. Whether it is minimally invasive tendon repair or a more complex procedure, we ensure you are matched with the right procedure to promote the results you want to see.

Graphical xray image showing the right leg inflammation

Book Your Visit Today

If you are looking for a comprehensive solution to foot and ankle pain, contact Revive today. Our team of experts can help you get back on your feet with the right form of regenerative care. Schedule your appointment now and start living life to its fullest again, enjoying the mobility and the freedom that comes with it for years yet to come! 

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9201 Sunset Blvd #401
West Hollywood, CA 90069

Call Today:310.622.4764

Mon-Fri: 8:00am-6:00pm